We believe every dog deserves a unique program specifically targeting their owner’s goals at the pace appropriate for each dog.

While this page provides a general outline of our programs, any program we offer can be modified based on what we think would be best for your pup.

Problem behaviors

Here are just a few of the behaviors we are able to Address within any of our programs:

  • Jumping on people

  • Barking at guests

  • Barking at windows

  • Fence fighting

  • Potty training

  • Crate training

  • Barking/whining in the car

  • Pulling on leash

  • Marking on furniture

  • Destructive chewing

  • Separation anxiety

  • Mouthing

  • Digging

  • Resource guarding

  • Stealing items

  • Jumping on furniture

  • Begging for food

  • Leash pulling

  • Barking on leash

  • Eating poop

  • Escaping

  • Guarding property

  • Aggression towards people

  • Aggression towards other dogs

  • Chasing cats

  • Aggression towards cats

  • Chasing prey

Training Programs

We have general programs to choose from to provide a guideline for your dog’s training, but your main concerns for training are always prioritized.

Private In-Home TraininG

This is a great option for owners who want to be actively involved in their dog’s training and who have time to work with their dog every day. All of our programs are tailored to the owner’s highest priorities.

Private training programs range anywhere from $250-$800, depending on your dogs’ needs and your training goals.

  • Program covers the following areas of focus:

    • Potty training

    • Proper socialization

    • Nipping/biting

    • Crate training

    • House manners

    • Loose leash walking

    • Engagement

  • Program covers the following areas of focus:

    • Door manners

    • Place command

    • Recall

    • Loose leash walking

    • Sit-stay

    • Down-stay

  • Program covers the following areas of focus:

    • Door manners

    • Place command

    • Off-leash recall

    • Off-leash heel command

    • Sit-stay from a distance

    • Down-stay from a distance

    • Heel command in busy crowds

    • Recall to heel position

  • The focus of this program is to replace barking at triggers with good behaviors. Every command is taught and practiced in accordance with this goal in mind and is necessary to the training process.

    • Place command

    • Proper greetings

    • Heel command around distractions/triggers

    • Sit-stay

    • Down-stay

  • Aggression can have a multitude of causes, so this training comes with the goal of reducing the behavior and developing better management skills in the process. Behaviors taught are essential to the custom program developed for the dog.

Board & train

These programs are ideal for those who desire a high level of consistency and skill from their pups! We lay the foundation so you don’t have to. Whether you are feeling stuck in your training journey or do not have the dedicated time to your dog’s training, a board and train program may be the right option for you. Your dog will live with us on our 35-acre farm during their program, allowing for unique learning opportunities and more intensive training.

Some behavior problems are best targeted in a board and train program versus private training. These programs are also customizable depending on your dog’s needs and your goals!

Prices for these programs range from $1800 to $3500.

All Board & Train programs include 1-3 in-home lessons after program completion and 1 year of FREE SUPPORT!

  • Program covers the following areas of focus:

    • Door manners

    • Place command

    • Socialization with other dogs

    • Crate training/manners

    • Car manners

    • Heel command

    • Sit-stay

    • Down-stay

    • Recall

    • Proper greetings on leash

    • Confidence-building

    • Heel in a busy crowd

    • Patio manners

  • Program covers the following areas of focus:

    • Door manners

    • Place command

    • Socialization with other dogs

    • Crate training/manners

    • Car manners

    • Off-leash heel command

    • Sit-stay from a distance

    • Down-stay from a distance

    • Proper greetings on and off leash

    • Confidence-building

    • Off-leash heel in a crowd

    • Off-leash recall in busy areas

  • The focus of this program is to replace barking at triggers with good behaviors. Every command is taught and practiced in accordance with this goal in mind and is necessary to the training process.

    • Door manners

    • Place command

    • Car manners

    • Socialization with other dogs

    • Crate training/manners

    • Heel command around triggers

    • Recall

    • Sit-stay

    • Down-stay

    • Confidence-building around triggers

    • Patio manners

Raise & Train

Not looking forward to waking up at 2am to let your puppy out? Unsure of how to properly socialize your puppy to avoid problem behaviors in the future, and would like a professional to do it for you? Our Raise & Train Programs are immersive and take care of all the puppy problems so you don’t have to. We make sure your puppy is learning all the basics and socializing with other dogs and people the way a dog trainer would!

Puppies 8-12 weeks old are welcome in our Raise & Train Programs. You will receive regular updates and will get to spend time with your puppy one weekend a month to see all their progress in person!

We offer complimentary breed and litter selection as well as puppy transportation for an additional cost.

  • Your puppy will live with us for one month and learn many vital skills including:

    • Socialization in real-world environments

    • Bite Inhibition

    • Intro to potty training

    • Crate Training

    • House manners

    • Proper Greetings

    • Basic Obedience

  • If you’ve dreamed of having the perfect dog that behaves well in the house and understands advanced obedience, this is that program! We will cover:

    • Advanced Off-leash Obedience

    • House manners

    • Off-leash recall

    • Socialization with children, people and other dogs

    • And so, so much more…

  • If you have specific goals in mind for your new or future puppy, we can customize a Raise & Train Program that best suits those goals. Contact us for more information.


  • This service is available for off-leash trained dogs only! We will take your dog on a hike to provide exercise, enrichment and valuable training opportunities.

  • Multiple boarding options and meet-ups available after completion of a private training or board and train program!

Ready to get started? Apply for training!